Reversible cerebral vasoconstriction syndrome. Recurrence of thunderclap headaches after treatment with corticosteroids
*Correspondencia: Dra. Ana Aldaz Burgoa. Servicio de Neurología. Hospital Clínico San Carlos. Calle del Profesor Martín Lagos, s/n. Moncloa - Aravaca, E-28040 Madrid. E-mail:
Reversible cerebral vasoconstriction syndrome is a clinicoradiological entity with a self-limiting course that manifests with recurrent episodes of thunderclap headache, and is associated with certain triggers. Recurrence is very rare, and the pathophysiology is thought to be related to altered autoregulation of the cerebrovascular tone. We present a clinical case that raises questions about possible recurrences and triggers.
Case report
A 44-year-old woman with a history of multiple sclerosis treated with interferon beta-1b who had four episodes of thunderclap headache while resting, after completing a course of corticosteroids due to a flare-up of optic neuritis. Three years earlier, the patient had presented several episodes of explosive-onset headache during a self-limited period of one month, only occurring during sexual intercourse. In the year prior to our assessment, she had suffered three thunderclap headaches with similar characteristics, but they were triggered only by intense physical exercise. She had not consulted a physician about these events. A cranial computed tomography scan was performed after the administration of contrast media and a cerebral arteriography, which were consistent with cerebral vasoconstriction syndrome, and its reversibility was confirmed three months later.
Reversible cerebral vasoconstriction syndrome shares a phenotypic expression with primary exertion headaches. It is associated with drugs with vasoactive effects, including interferons, and corticosteroids are associated with a worse prognosis, and such their administration should be avoided.
Caso clínico Mujer de 44 años con antecedente de esclerosis múltiple en tratamiento con interferón beta-1b que consultó por cuatro episodios de cefalea en trueno en reposo, tras finalizar un ciclo de corticoides por un brote de neuritis óptica. Tres años antes, la paciente había presentado varios episodios de cefalea de inicio explosivo durante un período autolimitado de un mes, únicamente producidos en el contexto de relaciones sexuales. El año previo a nuestra valoración padeció en tres ocasiones cefalea en trueno de características similares, pero exclusivamente desencadenadas con el ejercicio físico intenso. No había consultado por estos eventos. Se realizó una tomografía computarizada craneal tras la administración de contraste y una arteriografía cerebral, que fueron compatibles con síndrome de vasoconstricción cerebral, y se confirmó su reversibilidad tres meses después.
Conclusiones El síndrome de vasoconstricción cerebral reversible comparte expresión fenotípica con el grupo de cefaleas primarias por esfuerzo físico. Se asocia a fármacos con efectos vasoactivos, entre los que se encuentran los interferones, y los corticoides se asocian a un peor pronóstico, por lo que es importante evitar su administración.