INTRODUCTION and OBJECTIVE. Pyramidal gait impairment (GI) is a classical trait of cerebrovascular disease (CVD). To developed a method to quantify prospectively and transversely GI and disequilibrium, to be applied in the screening of pyramidal and nonpyramidal syndromes associated to different ethiological subtypes of CVD; using an Index of Gait and Equilibrium (IGE). Patients and methods. In constructing IGE, we used 14 equally weighted semiological variables: 6 measure balance, 6 gait, 1 sensitive abnormalities and 1 falls. Two neurologists separately examined each subject in the same day and repeating the evaluation after a week. Data analyses included Kruskal Wallis, c2, Spearman correlations and Principal Components.
RESULTS IGE was used in 90 subjects, 43 males, with a mean age of 70.6 years. 3 groups of people were formed: 1. CVD (A, 21 with silent vascular lesions diagnosed by imaging; B, 17 with vascular dementia; C, 21 with stroke); 2. 13 subjects with cautious gait, not associated to any disease; and 3. 18 normal control subjects (age 6080 years). GI in the nonpyramidal syndrome were significantly related with small vessels disease (c2= 16.37, dof= 1, p< 0.001).
CONCLUSIONS GI in CVD, pyramidal and nonpyramidal syndromes were equally frequent. Increased values of IGE caused by cautious gait in youngest nonstroke patients suggested high probability of silent CVD and significant association with small vessels disease. This preliminary assessment of IGE showed a reproducible and reliable tool for objectification and quantification of gait disorders.
KeywordsCerebrovascular diseaseGait disordersIndex of gait and equilibriumSilent brain infarctsSmall vessels disease
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