INTRODUCTION The Kamayura tribe is made up of 300 persons living in the Alto Xingu in Mato Grosso, Brazil. Their traditional system of health care is based on the pajé, a witch doctor who uses plants and prayers for treatment. Material and methods. Field work was done in the Kamayura village holding successive interviews with the chief and the pajé Takumá to obtain information regarding the neurological disorders found there, the indigenous beliefs regarding illness (natural or based on witch-craft), their classification and traditional treatment based on plants. The terms employed were translated from Kamayura into Portuguese.
RESULTS Illness in Indians is caused by the revenge of the spirit (mama’e) of the animal killed by the huntsman. Epilepsy (Teawurup) or armadillo disease is caused when a huntsman kills an armadillo. It is treated with two roots, tsimó and wewuru, kneaded, diluted in water and applied to the eyes. An infusion of enamum root is also used. Migraine or monkey disease causes a pulsatile headache and vertigo. Mental retardation and infantile cerebral palsy are included in the ant-bear disease. Depression is treated with the plant ‘iputunú’; which is applied diluted in water to the face of the patient so that he no longer sees his dead relations and may be cured. Schizophrenia or apuayat (owl disease) also occurs, but not parkinsonism or stroke. CONCLUSION. The Kamayura pajes have established a system of health-care based on magic folklore, transmitted orally and making use of traditional plants.
KeywordsAnthropologyNeurological diseaseSouth American IndiansTraditional medicine
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