INTRODUCTION Wallerian degeneration (WD) is the irreversible axonal and myelin damage after the injury to the proximal portion of the axon or its cell body. The most frequent cause of WD in the central nervous system is ischemic stroke. Various studies have related the presence of pyramidal tract WD with the severity of motor deficit and partial motor improves. We present a patient with pyramidal tract WD without motor sequelae. CLINICAL CASE. A 55 years old man, hypertense and heavy smoker, suffered a sudden episode of dysarthria and left hemiparesis. Routine analysis showed hypercholesterolemia and an aortic valvular sclerosis on an echocardiogram. Cranial magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) showed multiple supratentorial lacunar infarctions. He was discharged without deficits, antiaggregated with aspirin. Six months later, he suffered a sudden episode of dysarthria. A new cranial MRI disclosed WD of the right pyramidal tract without pyramidal signs on neurologic exam.
CONCLUSIONS Presence of WD on the pyramidal tract is related with pyramidal disability in diverse degree but can develop a complete motor rehabilitation. We present a case of WD of the pyramidal tract without pyramidal deficits that supports the role of supplementary motor areas on motor rehabilitation.
CategoriesNeurodegeneraciónPatología vascular
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