INTRODUCTION and OBJECTIVE. The objective of the study was to analyze the EEG tracings during the seizures of two monozygotic twins, shown on molecular analysis, diagnosed as having infantile epilepsy with absences. The recordings are particularly interesting since the genotypes of the patients are identical. This allowed comparison between the similarities and differences in discharges so that they could be better defined.
RESULTS The 3 Hz spike and wave complexes were the same as the classical descriptions in typical absences. No ‘W’ spike and wave complexes morphology, discharge fragmentation or light induction of the discharges were observed. There was some differences in the duration of absences, which were much shorter in one twin girl. The duration of the seizures was variable, and sometimes similar to that described as characteristic in other types of generalized idiopathic epilepsies with absences. It would seem therefore that the duration of the seizure is not a criterion for differentiation between the different types of generalized idiopathic epilepsies. CONCLUSION. Concordance, both clinical and of seizure EEG recordings in our patients confirmed that there is a specific electroclinical phenotype in infantile epilepsy with absences, although individual variations may also occur.
KeywordsInfantile absencesMonozygotic twinsSeizure EEGCategoriesEpilepsias y síndromes epilépticos
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