OBJECTIVE. To show the degree of detection of simulation, defined as the conscious, intentional production of false or exaggerated physical and psychological symptoms, motivated by external rewards such as payments by insurance companies and compensations. DEVELOPMENT. In forensic circles, a major problem is under consideration, namely recognition of the existence and nature of cognitive alterations after mild head injury (HI), since it is estimated that in 5-10% of the cases of mild HI there may be simulation of cognitive and emotional deficit, with further difficulty of differential diagnosis between simulation and the post-concussion syndrome.
CONCLUSIONSThe forensic assessment of cognitive alterations following HI should include a clinical interview and neuropsychological evaluation. The former helps to determine the causal relationship between the traumatic accident and the resulting damage, continuance of symptoms and the existence or not of a premorbid pathological state. Although there is still not completely reliable, valid marker which permits one to be completely certain that the person is a simulator, neuropsychological evaluation permits suspicion of it in three aspects: 1. General indicators showing lack of internal consistence in the results of the person evaluated. 2. Specific tests to detect possible cases of simulation. 3. Profiles of responses which characterize possible simulators and neuropsychological evaluation tests.
KeywordsForensic assessmentHead injuryNeuropsychologySimulationCategoriesDemenciaNeurodegeneraciónNeurología del Lenguaje y la ComunicaciónNeuropediatríaNeuropsicologíaNeuropsiquiatríaTraumatismos
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