INTRODUCTION For the first time visual post-images have been used in patients with Alzheimer’s disease (AD). This is a simple, non-invasive system for analysis of visual pathway function, disorders of which it is hoped may be related to the patient’s condition. OBJECTIVE. To obtain a method for early diagnosis which may also be used for follow-up and evaluation of the disease over a the course of time. We wished to ascertain whether patients with AD have alterations in the perception of visual post-images, and ascertain whether use of post-images is effective.
PATIENTS AND METHODS We used a portable perimeter for post-images in 20 patients with Alzheimer’s disease and in 20 normal persons. The results of two different tests were analysed, measuring the time taken for the post-image to disappear from the visual field of those being examined and trying to detect whether there was a relationship between the state of the person and the results of the test. It was shown statistically that the time taken for the post-image to disappear was less in the patients than in healthy persons, and this rapid rate of disappearance is directly related to the severity of the disease. CONCLUSION. We consider that the use of post-images is simple, effective and useful for early diagnosis and confirmation of patients with EA and their follow-up.
KeywordsAlzheimer’s diseaseDiagnosis of dementiaPost-imagesVisual stimulusCategoriesDemenciaNeurodegeneraciónNeuropsiquiatríaPatología vascular
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