OBJECTIVE. To review intracranial hemorrhage originated in the subependymal germinal matrix region. DEVELOPMENT. Incidence rates of germinal matrixintraventricular hemorrhage (GMH) range from 20 to 40% of infants born before 32 weeks gestational age or with birth weight less than 1,500 g. Because the GMH is usually diagnosed during the first 72 postnatal hours, that is the optimal time to perform ultrasound scans. The pathogenesis of GMH is multifactorial and related to vascular, intravascular and extravascular factors. The grading system relies on the detection of blood in the germinal matrix region and into the ventricular system. Ultrasound scans are the diagnostic method of choice, once it is easy to perform and has low costs. In a prospective study of 146 preterm infants (<2,200 g), the incidence of GMH in those weighing less than 1,501 g, was 36%. GMH occurred mainly in the first week of life (65%) and in 70% of cases was classified as grade I. Risk factors found to be related to the GMH were: general anesthesia for cesarean section, Apgar score below 4 in the first minute or below 8 in the fifth minute, low birth weight, the presence of respiratory distress, patent ductus arteriosus, anemia, repeated arterial punctions and umbilical arterial catheterization. Mean gestational age, systolic and diastolic pressure in the first 24 hours of life and hematocrit were lower in patients with GMH.
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