
Modifications of sympathetic tone induced by acupuncture reflex. Sympathetic electrical response and stimulus of 6PC

F. Abad-Alegría, C. Pomarón, C. Aznar-Bueno, C. Muñoz, S. Adelantado [REV NEUROL 2000;31:511-514] PMID: 12497376 DOI: https://doi.org/10.33588/rn.3106.2000307 OPEN ACCESS
Volumen 31 | Number 06 | Nº of views of the article 6.521 | Nº of PDF downloads 223 | Article publication date 16/09/2000
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ABSTRACT Artículo en español English version
INTRODUCTION From certain experimental data obtained by experimental myocardial perfusion and clinical and animal studies, it would seem that this corroborates the finding that puncture of the acupuncture point (Neiguan, 6PC) has an effect on organic vegetative tone. OBJECTIVE. We aimed to establish, by means of a simple, conclusive, objective measuring system such as sympathetic electrical response, whether this point had this action and whether its effect was nonspecific or due to activation of a nervous tract subjacent to this point.

PATIENTS AND METHODS We assessed the sympathetic electrical response in 29 healthy volunteers in whom basal values were recorded and again after orthodox acupuncture stimulus in 6PC, and compared with data obtained of the effects caused by stimulus of an extra-acupunctural point, of a different acupunctural point of the same channel, of bipolar stimulation of the median nerve at the level of 6PC and with the modifications generated in the response by rest lying down during the period of the experiment.

RESULTS A significant increase was observed in the P1 latency of the sympathetic electrical response and significant reduction in its total amplitude, when 6PC was stimulated, an effect not observed in any of the other conditions of the experiment. CONCLUSION. We conclude that puncture stimulation of 6PC causes significant changes in sympathetic tone, which are not due to nonspecific effects of skin puncture, nor activation of the subjacent median nerve alone.
KeywordsAcupunctureMedian nerveSympathetic electrical responseSympathetic toneVegetative afferenceVegetative control
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