INTRODUCTION Perinatal mortality has dropped markedly in recent years. However, there is still a considerable prevalence of neurological sequelas. Symptoms may present during the first months of life or later. Thus it is necessary to follow-up children with a clinical history of risk of neurological disorders. DEVELOPMENT. The various programmes for follow-up show slight variations in criteria of inclusion, calendar and methods of evaluation. We report the results of our follow-up of children at risk: long and short term sequelae in children of very low birth-weight and their correlation with neuroimaging findings. We review the use of some investigations (clinical examination, cranial ultrasound, CAT, magnetic resonance, EEG, visual and auditory evoked potentials and different biological, hemodynamic and nerve damage markers.
CONCLUSIONS It is necessary to: 1. Restrict the criteria for inclusion in hospital follow-up programmes; 2. Match a suitable investigative calendar to the pathology of the newborn baby; 3. Coordinate with the pediatricians of primary care areas and centres of early health care; 4. Use specific instruments for detection of mild sequelae at an earlier age; 5. Prolong follow-up at least until the age of 6-7 years old, and 6. To seek new biological markers to allow early detection of brain damage.
KeywordsNeurological follow-upNeurological sequelaeNewborn baby at risk for neurological disorders
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