OBJECTIVE. To analyze the character as pathophysiological marker of the P300 component in the evaluation of schizophrenic illness. We therefore review clinical and neuropsychological evidence of studies in which this was used as a tool for evaluation to reach a diagnosis. DEVELOPMENT. The P300 component is useful for studying not only cognitive processes but also the physiopathology of complex disorders such as schizophrenia. This component reflects the state of functions of attention control and memory, both necessary for final evaluation of a stimulus. These cognitive functions become altered in schizophrenic illness, as is shown by abnormality in the generation of the P300 component. We review the most relevant results, which permit characterization of the many features of schizophrenia from genetic, symptom, morphology and neuropsychological studies in which the P300 component is particularly relevant. Similarly, we analyze current controversies due to the great heterogeneity of methodology and the nature of the illness itself.
CONCLUSIONS Current understanding allows us to establish that the P300 is a biological marker of relevant aspects of schizophrenia such as the genetic risk of suffering a psychotic episode, determine the type and gravity of the symptoms of the disease, as well as the degree of structural deterioration of the patient. The P300 component is sensitive to the effect of different neuroleptic drugs, on both the symptoms and neuropsychological functions of the patient. These findings let us suggest the P300 component as a valid marker for the evaluation of schizophrenia and the neuropsychological processes.
KeywordsBiological markerCognitive potentialsEvoked potentialsNeurodegenerationP300 componentSchizophreniaVulnerabilityCategoriesEpilepsias y síndromes epilépticosTécnicas exploratorias
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