INTRODUCTION In partial epilepsy with seizures which are resistant to drug treatment, better results may be obtained with surgery. This follows thorough assessment to identify the area of the brain responsible for the origin of the seizures, or the epileptogenic zone (EZ), and show that surgical operation will not cause neurological or cognitive damage which might handicap the patient. OBJECTIVE. This study analyses the value in diagnosis of electroencephalographic dipoles in delimitation of the EZ in patients with refractory partial epilepsy who are candidates for surgical treatment.
PATIENTS AND METHODS In 43 patients we made EEG recordings whilst at rest with their eyes shut during 15 minutes. The signal was analysed by digital EEG apparatus and a map drawn of cerebral electrical activity based on the maximum average amplitude of the epileptic spikes. The electric dipole equivalent to epileptiform activity between seizures was obtained using the programme for analysis of electroencephalographic sources BESA. The localization of the EZ by means of the dipole was compared with the results of EEG, MR, SPECT and seizure video-EEG using intracranial electrodes.
RESULTS The results of this study show that the dipole model used is highly sensitive for localization of EZ, and in cases in which the dipole and MR coincided, its sensitivity is similar to that of video-EEG during seizures.
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