INTRODUCTION The treatment of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is still a major challenge. Rehabilitation treatment is scarcely considered and its usefulness in these patients continues to be controversial.
PATIENTS AND METHODS A multidisciplinary team made up of neurologists, physiotherapists, logopaedists, defectologists, psychologists and specialist physicians treated six patients with ALS in an intensive rehabilitation programme of 41 hours per week for four weeks. We follow certain basic principles in rehabilitation including: 1. Treatment by a multidisclipinary team; 2. Treatment tailored to the individual; 3. Avoidance of muscle fatigue and vigorous exercise, and 4. Intensive treatment with carefully measured amounts of different activities (logophoniatrics, occupational therapy, psychology, physical therapy, etc.) to avoid fatigue. The patients fulfilled the criteria of E1 Escorial for the diagnosis of definite ALS, and gave their informed consent to undergo the treatment. Forced Vital Capacity (FVC) and ALS Functional Rating Scale (ALSFRS) tests were done on all patients at the beginning and end of the treatment. The Wilcoxon test for paired series, comparing scores at the start and finish, were done in each case.
RESULTS In all patients the FVC and ALSFRS improved after the treatment. The results were statistically significant (Z: 2.2013; p= 0.027) on the Wilcoxon paired series test and no complications were seen.
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