
Cerebellar hemorrhage in full­term newborn babies

M. Gudiño, J. Campistol, P. Póo, M. Iriondo [REV NEUROL 2001;32:624-627] PMID: 11391488 DOI: https://doi.org/10.33588/rn.3207.2000450 OPEN ACCESS
Volumen 32 | Number 07 | Nº of views of the article 7.396 | Nº of PDF downloads 406 | Article publication date 16/04/2001
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ABSTRACT Artículo en español English version
INTRODUCTION Cerebellar hemorrhage (CH) has been observed in 5 to 10% of the autopsies done on newborn babies. Since neuroimaging techniques have become available it is easier to diagnose the condition. In this paper we report on a series of cases of CH in full­term newborn babies. OBJECTIVES. To determine the number of patients with CH diagnosed by neuroimaging, make a descriptive study and analyze their progress. Results. Between 1984 and 1999 six patients had CH, three boys and three girls, five born after their mother’s first pregnancy. Four were vaginal births; in two forceps were used and in one a vacuum extractor; two were born by cesarean section. Four showed symptoms within the first 48 hours of life, one on the fourth day and one on the twenty fifth day. The latter had hemorrhagic disease of the newborn. In five patients transfontanellar ultrasound was useful in diagnosis. In all six cases computerized axial tomography scan confirmed the diagnosis. Cerebral magnetic resonance (MR) was done in three cases. No arteriovenous malformations were shown on angio-MR. Two patients had hydrocephalus and both were treated by ventriculo­peritoneal shunts. Three cases had transient ventricular dilatation which improved with medical treatment. The patient with hemorrhagic disease of the newborn had alterations in blood clotting. In three patients metabolic studies were normal. Five patients were treated conservatively and only one neurosurgically. Subsequent evolution was characterized by the presence of psychomotor retardation with mild cerebellar signs. At school age, only observed in two cases, there were learning difficulties with a low intellectual coefficient and problems with reading and writing. In one case there was epilepsy, controlled by use of two antiepileptic drugs.

CONCLUSIONS Half the cases of CH seen in full­term newborn babies occurred after dystocic delivery. One case was secondary to hemorrhagic disease of the newborn. The transfontanellar ultrasound is useful in diagnosis. Most patients were managed conservatively. During the clinical course there were psychomotor retardation, cerebellar signs, cognitive deficits with learning problems and epilepsy.
KeywordsCerebellar hemorrhageCerebellumDystocic deliveryFull-term newborn babyHemorrhagic disorder of the newbornNeonatology CategoriesPatología vascular
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