INTRODUCTION Perioperative antibiotic prophylaxis is a current topic of interest. However, in neurosurgery there are no controlled studies or full reports to support its use. We have also observed that there is little consistency in the use of antibiotics in this type of surgery. This method has been used in other specialities, reducing the risk of postoperative sepsis. We therefore consider that it may be used in neurosurgery, bearing in mind certain specific aspects. OBJECTIVES. To find the postoperative sepsis in a consecutive group of patients in whom prophylaxis was used for neurosurgical operations.
PATIENTS AND METHODS We made a prospective, observational , descriptive study of 100 patients who needed neurosurgical operations and were given antimicrobial agents to prevent sepsis. The relation between intracranial and extracranial surgery, the use or not of these agents and the occurrence or not of sepsis was observed. The method was applied using the classification of the National Research Council of the USA.
RESULTS In spinal surgery, the method was used most and no difference was found with or without the use of antibiotics in cervical spinal surgery, with regard to the occurrence of sepsis. Exogenous factors played an important part in the development of sepsis unrelated to the surgical technique.
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