Imbalance of plasma amino acids in patients with autism and subjects with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder
Summary. Introduction. Plasma and brain amino acids are influenced by dietary intake. Alterations of plasma amino acid concentrations have been reported in neuropsychiatric disorders. Objective. To analyse the plasma amino acid values in subject diagnosed with autism, with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and healthy subjects as controls. Patients and methods. Forty subjects affected by autism, 11 with ADHD and 41 healthy subjects (age range 3-18 years old) were included in this study. Peripheral venous blood was obtained in fasting condition, collected in EDTA tubes and centrifuged. Plasma was de-proteinised with sulfosalicylic acid. Amino acids were analysed by ion exchange liquid chromatography with an LKB amino acid analyser with sodium citrate elution system and ninhydrin reaction. Results were expressed as mmol/L. Results and conclusions. In both disorders a diminution of phenylalanine and glutamine plasma concentrations was observed beside an increase of glycine. Lysine appeared increased only in autistic subjects. These alterations produce an imbalance with the rest of plasma amino acids competing at the brain-blood barrier by the same transport system thus causing alterations in the metabolism and/or transport of amino acids to the brain, altering CNS functions. The phenylalanine decreasing, beside glycine increasing appear to support the hypothesis of a disorder in the inhibitory neurotransmission system, especially in ADHD. The diminution of phenylalanine and the increasing of lysine in autism are suggestive that these two amino acids are metabolically related.
KeywordsAttention-deficit/hyperactivity disorderAutismPlasma amino acidsCategoriesMareos, vértigos y acufenosNeuropediatríaNeuropsiquiatría
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