Introduction. An uncommon complication of fractures of the skull in infancy is a leptomeningeal cyst, which is also known as a growing skull fracture. A post-traumatic leptomeningeal cyst may occur in adults, but is much rarer and may be attributed to a fracture of the skull which occurred in childhood. This complication is caused by a tear in the dura mater, through which pulsation of the cerebro-spinal fluid forces the arachnoid layer to herniate. The commonest clinical finding is a soft tissue swelling or tumour appearing on the head. Clinical case. We report the case of a 47 year old man, with a past history of a head injury in childhood. He presented complaining of loss of sensation in the right arm and deviation of the mouth, from which he recovered within an hour. Neuro-imaging studies showed irregular destruction of the right temporal bone and hypodensity of the underlying brain tissue. Surgical operation and histological study of the bone removed showed that it was a leptomeningeal cyst, associated with a cerebral infarct at the site of an old skull fracture. Conclusions. A post-traumatic leptomeningeal cyst in an adult patient is caused by a tear in the dura mater caused by a skull fracture during childhood. It may be associated with a cerebral infarct. It may present with only transient focal neurological symptoms.
KeywordsArachnoid cystGrowing skull fractureHead injuryLeptomeningeal cystSkull tumourCategoriesCáncer y tumoresPatología vascularTraumatismos
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