Objectives. In this study we review the major concepts related to the immunological aspects which have currently been shown to be, perhaps, one of the basic factors of the so-called neuroimmune cascade which characterizes Alzheimer’s disease (AD). We emphasise the mechanisms causing these alterations, their repercussions and implications in this disease. Development. There is a close relationship between the nervous, immune and endocrine systems, due to the presence of molecules such as the interleukins which permit this connection, for example: the IL-1 and IL-6 are involved in the immunological events which occur in AD, in which it has been suggested that the cell damage and neurodegeneration which occurs may be due to a neuroimmune reaction together with inflammatory mechanisms. The World Health Organization (WHO) has estimated that in the coming years, the population affected will reach a total of 423 million persons aged over 65, including a prevalence of 13.9% of persons aged between 70 and 89 years with AD. Conclusions. It is necessary to have clear, precise, reliable knowledge of the neuroimmune mechanisms involved in AD, if we take into account that the quantitative determination of interleukins may be a key to the overall evaluation of patients with AD. It may also be a useful tool for the follow-up of patients treated by a method of neuro-restauration. This is useful when classifying each patient and will lead to a better quality of life.
KeywordsAlzheimer’s diseaseCytokinesImmune systemInterleukinasNeuroimmuneCategoriesDemenciaNeurodegeneraciónNeuropsiquiatríaPatología vascular
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