INTRODUCTION The tests for measuring the ability of a child for copy a drawing take no less than 15 minutes and require a direct attention to the patient. This makes them almost impossible to use in the neurological or paediatric consultation. OBJECTIVE. In this report a new test of drawing copy, the grafomotor test, is presented. It is composed by 8 easy figures: diamond, stair, cross, flower, clock, house, cube and bicycle and the score method is simple. The progressive maturation of drawing in childhood and the reliability and validity of the test are studied.
PATIENTS AND METHODS Two studies were done: a) 210 children aged 5-12 (all the children belonging to two classes of every age ) of a medium-high socioeconomic level primary school made the test, remade it again after 24 hours, and them were scored blindly by a neuropediatrician and a school psychologist. b) 133 children (5-11 year-old) of a paediatric consultation of a medium-low socioeconomic level. Every child who wanted draw the test. RESULTS AND
CONCLUSIONS 1. The score system proposed is easy and takes less than 1 minute to do. The perfect test get a score of 0, and the worst possible a score of 20; 2. Result show high reliability: interobserver Pearson’s correlation coefficient r> 0.92, and reliability Cronbach alpha coefficient= 0.97; test-retest reliability r> 0,91 and alpha= 0,95. 3. It is a valid tool to measure visuomotor maturation in childhood. Average scores are different at every age until 11 years. 4. There is no difference in scores between children of the two socioeconomic levels studied. 5. The test is easy, and fast to do and to score. It takes 5-10 minutes and can be passed in the same neurological or paediatric consultation, while talking with the parents. Results depend on mental or drawing level, not on the socioeconomic status. 6. GT is, therefore, proposed as another tool to add to the neurological clinical examination.
KeywordsChildhoodDrawing testGraphoconstructive disordersIntelligence testLearning disordersVisuoconstructive disordersVisuospatial disordersCategoriesNeuropediatría
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