Revisión en Neurociencia

Use of the technology of the genetic chip to study of the nitric oxide synthase

A.L. López-Figueroa, S.J. Watson, M.O. López-Figueroa [REV NEUROL 2001;33:555-560] PMID: 11727240 DOI: OPEN ACCESS
Volumen 33 | Number 06 | Nº of views of the article 4.938 | Nº of PDF downloads 139 | Article publication date 16/09/2001
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ABSTRACT Artículo en español English version
Introduction. The end of our century has been characterized by a quick scientific and technological growth. Among other, the brain, the human genome project and the computer science, they are some of the numerous fields that characterize this revolution. Development. In the following work, we will show as these three fields of the knowledge have converged in a new area of the science denominated technology of the gene chip or microarrays. Although this methodology would allow the study of thousands of genes in one chip, in the following work we will center ourselves in its potential application for the study of the enzyme nitric oxide synthase (NOS), which is responsible for the production of the nitric oxide (NO). The technical base of this system is to be able to synthesize chains of DNA in a chip, which will be hybridized with the sample of interest that in turn are usually marked with fluorescent nucleotides. The results are analyzed using a sophisticated image analysis system. The relative estimate of the quantity of existent messenger in each sample will come determined by the intensity of the fluorescence, and for its comparison with internal controls. The discovery of at least three genes that are coded for NOS, as well as that of numerous allelic variations will allow a more exhaustive study of this molecule, which has been recognized by their vital importance. Conclusion. In this review we will put in perspective the utility of this technology in the genetic study of the enzyme NOS, and its utility for the understanding of the pathophysiology of some neurological illnesses. KeywordsBrainNitric oxideNitric oxide synthase CategoriesNeurociencia básica
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