‘Bioethics’, which provides a new ethical outlook on human life, is a term used in public health and biomedical research issues. It is for this reason that, in this paper, we decided to analyse certain aspects associated with the ethical considerations we must bear in mind when conducting research in humans, although the purpose of doing so is to cure or to improve the quality of life of people who suffer from certain diseases, many of which are fatal. Reasons are put forward to make it necessary to doubt which is the strategy with the most favourable benefit/risk relation for those who will undergo such interventions. We describe Alzheimer’s disease and discuss the possible use of neurotrophic drugs in the treatment of this disorder (NGF therapy). We also emphasise the care that will have to be taken in each of the stages of development of the research. That is why we are witnessing the emergence of a new culture that is needed to regulate the multiple interventions that can be performed on life, and to guarantee the primacy of what is good, both for the human being of today and those of generations to come.
KeywordsAlzheimer’s diseaseBioethicsNeurotrophinsCategoriesDemenciaNeurodegeneración
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