
Methodology of basic research in cognitive neuropsychology

M.J. Benedet [REV NEUROL 2003;36:457-466] PMID: 12640600 DOI: OPEN ACCESS
Volumen 36 | Number 05 | Nº of views of the article 23.343 | Nº of PDF downloads 3.965 | Article publication date 01/03/2003
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ABSTRACT Artículo en español English version
INTRODUCTION and method. The issue regarding the relations between behaviour and the brain is no longer the specific goal of neuropsychology, but rather that of the coordinated multidisciplinary activity of all the disciplines that go to make up the neurosciences. The specific contribution of neuropsychology to this multidisciplinary activity consists in trying to determine the nature of cognitive processes so that, in the future, it will be possible to ascertain the anatomophysiological foundations for each of them. The aim of basic research in cognitive neuropsychology is precisely that. The growing interest in research in this discipline that has been observed over the past few years in Spain has not usually been accompanied by the awareness of the fact that conducting research with damaged brains requires (if it is to be valid) a methodology that is specific and different to the methodology used in research with intact brains. In this study we describe some of the main fundamental principles of basic research in cognitive neuropsychology. Through the scientific analysis of a recent piece of research work, we illustrate the consequences of not bearing these principles in mind.

CONCLUSIONS We propose a methodology that can be used to approach basic research in cognitive neuropsychology that allows these undesirable consequences to be avoided. This same methodology constitutes a guide that enables us to evaluate the conclusions of the research, regardless of the statistical processing of the data that support them. Scientific criticism contributes more to the advance of science than actual research does.
KeywordsBasic researchCognitive neuropsychologyNeuropsychological researchResearchResearch projectsScientific criticism CategoriesNeuropsicología
FULL TEXT (solo disponible en lengua castellana / Only available in Spanish)

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