INTRODUCTION The process of muscle regeneration is influenced by many factors. There is little data in the literature regarding the influence of the size of the lesion and inflammatory response on this process. Also, the concept of the integrity of the basal lamina as an essential factor for correct regeneration has recently been questioned. OBJECTIVEs. To investigate the participation of these three variables in the process of muscle regeneration and its possible interactions. Methods. 54 B57BL10/ScSn mice had their gastrocnemius muscle groups injected with glycerol, collagenase-glycerol and Chinese ink. The mice were killed at different times following injection. Serial sections 10 mm thick were analyzed using histological and immunohistochemical techniques.
RESULTS By 28 days post-injection no difference was observed between mice with intact and altered basement membranes. The lesions with a large number of contiguous necrotic fibres regenerated more slowly. Regeneration was centripetal in these lesions. The inflammatory response depended basically on the type of substance injected. The intensity of the inflammatory response was not positively correlated with increased rate of regeneration.
CONCLUSIONS Alteration or fragmentation of the basal lamina and the size of the lesions seen in this study did not impede complete repair in C57BL10/ScSn mice. Further studies are necessary to establish the basic role played by the inflammatory response in muscular regeneration.
KeywordsGlycerolIntramuscular injectionMuscle necrosisCategoriesNeurodegeneración
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