INTRODUCTION Primary wide angle glaucoma (PWAG) is the commonest form of this disorder. It is initially asymptomatic, until there has been considerable visual field loss. Personality changes have been described in patients with wide angle glaucoma, with a significant percentage of developing dementia or a tendency to react defensively. The P300 endogenous evoked potential is related to memory/attention to work.
INTRODUCTION To evaluate, in PWAG, the probable occurrence of a disorder of visual processing due to alteration in the attention/working memory and its neuronal network, using the P300 visual cognitive evoked potential in correlation with Lobo’s cognitive mini-exam (CME).
PATIENTS AND METHODS We selected 68 patients with PWAG and 68 controls, of both sexes, aged between 50 and 65 years. The CME was done after taking the clinical history, and then an electroretinogram, visual evoked potential using the alternating dameres (ERGd and VEPd) and P300 potential (passive odd-ball). Statistical analysis was done using the t test, one way ANOVA and discriminating analysis.
RESULTS The amplitude on ERGd and latency on VEPd were significantly altered. Patients with glaucoma had lower scores on CME. Regarding the P300 wave, latency was the most significant parameter, whilst the amplitude and site were less well defined.
PATIENTS AND METHODS In PWAG a process of visual cognitive dysfunction occurs and affects memory/attention to work in a way which is not only due to the peripheral visual effect.
KeywordsCognitive mini-examWorking memoryCategoriesNeuropsicología
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