
Alzheimer’s disease and women

R. Alberca, E. Montes-Latorre, E. Gil-Néciga, P. Mir, P. Lozano-San Martín [REV NEUROL 2002;35:571-579] PMID: 12389175 DOI: OPEN ACCESS
Volumen 35 | Number 06 | Nº of views of the article 8.113 | Nº of PDF downloads 917 | Article publication date 16/09/2002
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ABSTRACT Artículo en español English version
INTRODUCTION and DEVELOPMENT. This work reviews the relation between Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and women, a very interesting issue both for its socio-economic, and etiopathogenic and therapeutic aspects. Much of the prevalent research conducted in this field shows that a higher proportion of suffers from this disease are women, and in the work on incidence there is at least a tendency toward the same conclusion, especially at a very advanced age. In fact, the risk of suffering from AD is greater among women and most of the patients we attend are females, which is to a large extent associated with the fact that women live longer. However, it is possible that there are other biological factors involved and for this reason the action of estrogens on the brain and the consequences of women’s being deprived of them during menopause is of special interest.

CONCLUSIONS Different studies have shown that the administration of hormone replacement therapy (HRT) lowers the risk of suffering from this disease, although design defects make it necessary to wait for the conclusions from other research work currently being conducted. There are also data that supports the idea that HRT can be beneficial in AD if it is administered in suitable doses. Obviously gender can influence or modulate other risk factors (RF). Genetic factors are not easily modified and for this reason research is currently aimed at factors in which a strong environmental component is involved. Another very controversial possible RF is lack of schooling, but some data support the notion that its influence can be especially harmful among females. This is a very important hypothesis because women make up the greater part of the illiterate population in Spain. Finally, women are also prevalent among caregivers and, therefore, suffer AD from both angles: they must care and be cared for. The reaction to this situation seems to be gender-specific, which means that women in particular suffer the consequences of the lack of reciprocity brought about by AD –something that does not happen in other equally devastating chronic processes, but which affect the physical sphere.
KeywordsDementiaEducationEstrogensFemale CategoriesDemenciaNeurodegeneraciónNeuropsiquiatría
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