INTRODUCTION Mental retardation (MR) constitutes a clinical and social relevant condition accounting for 3% of the pediatric population. Studies focusing the repercussion or MR on nutritional status are scarce and, in occasions, have produced contradictory results. OBJECTIVE. To evaluate the nutritional status of mentally retarded children in our region, on the basis of the influence of sociofamilial factors, including details of diet and appetite. Patient and methods. Our sample comprise 128 mentally retarded children (81 boys and 47 girls) aged 0-17 years. In all children a nutritional and social-family environment questionnaires and a valuation of a series of nutritional and anthropometric variables were performed. A factorial analysis was carried out by means of the statistical package SPSS allowing the obtaining of 2 anthropometric factors (AF) and 3 biochemical factors (BF) that condensed the most information content. Results of the nutritional and sociofamilial questionnaire were correlated with biochemical and anthropometric factors.
RESULTS Score of the factor AF1 declined with declining quality of diet and appetite. Mean AF1 score was lowest among children from inland-rural areas, intermediate among children from urban areas and highest among children of coastal areas. Age of the parents and number of brothers also influenced the value of AF1 score. Score of AF1 was not significantly affected, however, by social class. Quality of diet, appetite, geographic origin, number of brothers an age of the parents showed a similar influence on BF1. Moreover, the score of BF1 declined with declining socioeconomic status.
RESULTS Feeding behaviour has a significant influence on nutritional status both in biochemical and anthropometric parameters, so it must be promptly evaluated in mentally retarded children. Biochemical parameters were the most influenced by variation of socioeconomic status. Children from coastal areas showed the highest scores of nutritional parameters. Age of the parents significantly influenced the nutritional state.
KeywordsAnthropometric parametersBiochemical parametersMental retardationNutritional statusSociofamilial factorsCategoriesNeuropediatríaNeuropsiquiatría
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