Introduction. Treatment of patients with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in recent decades has not been in one way only but rather by using various approaches (pharmacological, behavioural, cognitive, etc.). It is becoming increasingly obvious that hyperactivity requires a multi-disciplinary approach with clear instructions for parents and teachers. Teachers need most information regarding ADHD and its treatment so as to use the techniques which are most effective for directing behaviour in the classroom. Objectives. This study had two objectives. Firstly, we wished to analyze the efficacy of a psychosocial programme with multiple components (programme for individualized treatment in the classroom) in 50 children with ADHD using the methodology of significant clinical change analysis of Jacobson and Truax (1991). Secondly, to try to define the variables which may modulate cognition and behaviour and possibly affect the results and success or failure of the programme. Development. Regarding the first objective, it was found that a much more significant proportion improved after following the hyperactivity/impulsivity programme, in the opinions of parents and teachers. Regarding the second objective the results show that the variables which may modulate the efficacy of treatment are deficits in inhibitory control, anxiety, disobedience, isolation and social inadaptation.
KeywordsAggressivityAnxietyAttention deficit with hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)Psychosocial treatmentRecoveryReliable changeCategoriesNeuropediatríaNeuropsiquiatría
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