Introduction. Early attention is one of the tasks of maximum priority. It is the subject of investigation throughout Europe from the educational point of view. Objective. We describe the principal characteristics and organization of Early Attention in 18 European countries: the 15 states which are members of the European Union, Norway, Iceland and Lithuania. Material and methods. The information is based on the study done by the European Agency at the end of 1998 in 17 countries, updated in 2001 and extended to 21 countries. The data obtained from the countries recently included is currently being analyzed bit is not yet fully available. The previous European studies have been repeated and brought up to date by means of questionnaires. The findings have been completed by analysis of practical examples provided by professionals from different countries. Results. We present general information regarding the situation of Early Attention in these 18 countries: its relationship with the educational services, its organization, composition, financing; the organization, function and qualification of the professionals belonging to the Early Attention teams; participation of the families. Conclusion. We show a series of critical factors: the importance of attention being very early, overall evaluation of the child’s possibilities and effective cooperation of the child’s relatives.
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