INTRODUCTION The appearance of transient ischemic attacks (TIA) is an important sign of vascular risk. The maximum time the deficit lasts has been set arbitrarily at 24 hours. It is assumed that TIA does not entail permanent vascular lesions.
PATIENTS AND METHODS A retrospective review of the clinical records of patients diagnosed as suffering from TIA in our centre between 1996 and 1997. Analysis of associated risk factors (RF), duration and findings in neuroimaging.
RESULTS The clinical records of 173 patients (106 males) were examined. The RF identified were similar to those described for ischemic strokes. 45.6% of patients with a history of vascular pathologies received no preventative treatment. 58% of the TIA were resolved within the first 30 minutes and 71% within the first hour. Cranial CT was normal in 69%, showed old lesions in 26% and lesions that were compatible with the clinical signs of TIA in 5% (in the latter case the duration of the episodes was greater).
CONCLUSIONS TIA shares the same RF and aetiopathogenic mechanisms as ischemic stroke and should, therefore, be considered as such. There is a need to revise the concept of TIA paying special attention to the findings of neuroimaging or to establish duration limits that are better matched to the practical reality. TIA maintains a practical interest since it provides a simple method of identifying patients with a high vascular risk.
KeywordsDefinitionDurationNeuroimagingRisk factorsTransient ischemic attacksCategoriesNeuroimagenPatología vascular
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