INTRODUCTION Transient cognitive disorder (TCD) defines the existence of a decrease in reaction time that coincides with an epileptiform EEG discharge, without any simultaneous manifestation of a classical epileptic seizure. Aims. To analyse the relation between episodes of TCD and the neurolopsychological manifestations in infancy that condition a high percentage of neuropaediatric visits to the surgery. At the same time we analyse the relation between the interictal paroxysmal disorders of patients with childhood benign partial idiopathic epilepsy with centrotemporal spikes (BIE-CS) and the neurolopsychological manifestations that are frequently detected in such patients.
PATIENTS AND METHODS Two groups of patients were studied. Group A: 23 children who sought medical attention because of different neurolopsychological disorders (language retardation, hyperactivity, lack of attention, retarded academic achievement, behavioural disorders, bad social interaction); gender: 16 males and 7 females; age interval: from 2 years and 10 months to 11 years and 1 month (average age: 6 years and 8 months). Group B: 10 patients who were BIE-CS carriers, two of which evolved toward atypical BIE; gender: 5 males and 5 females; age interval: from 3 years and 3 months to 9 years and 9 months (average age: 7 years and 4 months). Both groups were submitted to a clinical examination protocol involving neurological, EEG, child psychiatric and psychological aspects.
RESULTS In group A, sub-clinical paroxysmal EEG discharges were seen in three cases, two of which corresponded to a lack of attention disorder with hyperactivity, and the third had a generalised growth disorder. In group B we detected a high percentage of perceptive and psychomotor disorders, without the existence of differences between those who displayed an irritative focus in the right or in the left hemisphere, although the alteration in the level of language was greater in the latter. Likewise, in a large percentage of cases (80%) the evaluation of the level of personality revealed obvious anxiety traits, which were related with suffering from seizures.
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