
Problems of diagnosis and treatment in frontal epilepsies

M.I. Forcadas-Berdusán [REV NEUROL 2002;35:42-0] PMID: 12373654 DOI: OPEN ACCESS
Volumen 35 | Number S1 | Nº of views of the article 6.269 | Nº of PDF downloads 1.464 | Article publication date 09/09/2002
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ABSTRACT Artículo en español English version
OBJECTIVE. In this paper we review the anatomy, clinical features, problems of diagnosis and alternative treatment of the frontal epilepsies. DEVELOPMENT. A knowledge of the functional anatomy of the frontal lobe, the largest in the brain, is essential to understanding the varied features of the epileptic seizures arising in it. Unlike seizures arising in the temporal lobe in which the anatomicoclinical correlation is clearer since the rhinencephalum and especially the amygdala are almost always involved, in frontal seizures it is very difficult to systematize the relationship between the clinical signs and the organization of the discharge since there is wide cortico-subcortical propagation, both homolateral and contralateral. There are therefore various types of frontal seizures which we define from a clinical point of view. They are the ones causing the greatest problems of differential diagnosis with epileptic pseudo-seizures. A continuous video-EEG recording is often necessary to differentiate them. Resonance imaging has meant a major advance in making an aetiological diagnosis of this type of seizure. It can show cortical dysplasia, heterotopia and small tumours or vascular malformations which are not visualized by other means. We give a brief description of the newly discovered genetic frontal epilepsies. Finally we review the different types of treatment indicated for them.

CONCLUSIONS Between 20% and 30% of all partial epilepsies start in the frontal lobe, and they form 30% of all surgical operations. The correct diagnosis of frontal seizures is still a challenge for the neurosurgeon. Advances in neurophysiology, neuro-radiology and genetics have been, and still are, very important in better understanding of the disorder.
KeywordsAnatomyEpileptic pseudo-seizureFrontal lobeFrontal seizureMagnetic resonanceTreatmentVideo-EEG CategoriesEpilepsias y síndromes epilépticosTécnicas exploratorias
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