Introduction. It has been described several similarities between mammalian and invertebrate nociceptors. Lateral N neuron, in the segmental ganglion of the leech Hirudo medicinalis, behave like polimodal nociceptors in mammals, meanwhile medial N cells is similar to mechano-nociceptors (Pastor, Soria, Belmonte 1996). The effects of axotomy in sensory neurons in leeches are poorly understood. Objective: We have focused on the electrophysiological properties of leech nociceptive neurons after axotomy. Results. In N lateral neurons, axotomy induced an increase in the total membrane capacitance, membrane time constant, decrease in the steady-state/maximum hyperpolarization rate, increment in the time constant of voltage relaxation of inward rectifier, increase in action potential duration, dV/dtmax, dV/dtmin, and maximum amplitude and duration of after-hyperpolarization; firing threshold (always in not-axotomized) and an increment in adaptation spike frequency. In N medial cells, axotomy produced a slight depolarization and a decrease in Rinput, a rise in the time constant of voltage relaxation of inward rectifier, a decrement of action potential maximum amplitude, dV/dtmax, dV/dtmin, and after-hyperpolarization maximum amplitude, with an increase in action potential and after-hyperpolarization duration. Finally, firing threshold increased both in axotomized and not-axotomized after axotomy. Axotomy not only induced changes in injured cells, but modified neurons whose axons did not run into the cutting nerves. Conclusion: axotomy induces different changes in N lateral and N medial nociceptive cells, and it is suggested some kind of communication between axotomized and not-axotomized cells
Keywordsaxotomy, Hirudo medicinalis, leeches, N lateral, N medial, nociceptorsCategoriesDolor
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