Nota Clínica

Osteochondroma of the atlantooccipital joint. Extreme lateral transcondylar approach. A case description

G. López-Flores, O. Cruz-García, R. Fernández-Melo, M. Fernández-Albán, C. Alfonzo-Sabatier, W. Bouza-Molina, E. Fermín-Hernández, J.E. Castillo-Hernández [REV NEUROL 2003;36:133-136] PMID: 12589600 DOI: OPEN ACCESS
Volumen 36 | Number 02 | Nº of views of the article 5.995 | Nº of PDF downloads 164 | Article publication date 16/01/2003
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ABSTRACT Artículo en español English version
INTRODUCTION We describe a patient diagnosed as suffering from a skull base osteochondroma which affected the atlantooccipital joint and originated in the occipital condyle. It also displayed a growth toward the foramen magnum, which was resected using an extreme lateral transcondylar approach.

CASE REPORT Patient aged 35, with a one-year history of vertiginous seizures and unsteady gait, associated with cervical pain that irradiated to the right upper extremity, dysphagia, changes in the tone of the voice and distal numbness of the four extremities. The patient was made to lie in the three quarter prone position and an incision was made in the skin from the C3 spinous apophysis to a point 2 cm below the end of the mastoid process, in relation with the transversal apophysis of C1. The intervention continued with early identification and rotation of the vertebral artery; total resection of the tumour (osteochondroma) with its base in the right occipital condyle and growth toward the foramen magnum, in which the greater resection of the posteromedial third of the condyle is included.

CONCLUSIONS The location of osteochondromas can vary widely, and the condyle is one of the least frequent places inside the occipital bone. The approach employed provides excellent access to the region, in particular to the atlantooccipital joint. The width and angle of exposition are increased as compared with the traditional suboccipital approach, which facilitates the radical resection of the lesion with no neural retraction and without any surgical complications.
KeywordsAtlantooccipital jointExtreme lateral transcondylar approachOsteochondromaSkull base surgery
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