INTRODUCTION Acute necrotizing encephalitis is a clinical entity recently described in previously healthy Japanese children. Following a respiratory or gastrointestinal infection of a viral nature, these patients present a sudden deterioration in the level of consciousness. Since neuroimaging shows a bilateral thalamic disorder in all cases, the name ‘infantile bilateral thalamic necrosis’ has been put forward to refer to this affection.
CASE REPORT We report the case of an 11-month-old Spanish patient who was brought into the hospital with disconnection from the surroundings and hypertonia in the upper extremities, within the context of a febrile gastrointestinal picture. Blood sample analysis revealed haemoconcentration and metabolic acidosis, although it did not suggest an infection. The computerised tomography scan of the brain showed a striking hypodensity of both thalami. The initial hypertonia was followed by a generalised hypotonia, accompanied by haemodynamic and respiratory deterioration. The patient died 40 hours after admission.
CONCLUSIONS Acute necrotizing encephalitis was initially described in Japanese children but in recent years isolated cases have also been reported in the Western world. In the case of the patient we have described, one of the most outstanding points is that evolution was unfavourable in spite of mechanical ventilation and the use of inotropic drugs, together with the clinical state of brain death that occurred on the second day after admission. Since neuroimaging showed a selective disorder of the thalami in all cases, and the fact it is an entity that affects small children, it seems more appropriate to use the term acute infantile thalamic necrosis
KeywordsAcute necrotizing encephalopathyInfantile bilateral thalamic necrosis
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