INTRODUCTION In the epileptic female there is an increase in the number of disorders affecting the reproductive function, which on some occasions can be related to a polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). The Finnish school showed an increase in the number of cases of PCOS among females receiving antiepileptic therapy with valproic acid over a long period of time, which can affect up to 43% of the patients being treated. Such a high incidence has not been confirmed in other European series and it is likely that specific ethnic characteristics exert an influence on the results. We examine the possibility that PCOS constitutes a secondary chronic side effect of using valproic acid (VPA) and, as such, is reversible if the antiepileptic therapy is modified following its detection.
CASE REPORT Female, aged 21, who developed PCOS during the course of therapy with VPA, which remitted after changing the treatment to lamotrigine. The clinical signs that have to act as a warning of the possible presence of PCOS in epileptic patients are the appearance of menstrual disorders or signs of virilisation, such as hirsutism and android obesity.
KeywordsEpileptic femaleHyperandrogenismLamotriginePolycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)Valproic acid
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