INTRODUCTION Infantile neuroaxonal dystrophy (INAD), or Seitelberger disease, is a neurodegenerative disease of unknown origin which is transmitted by autosomal recessive inheritance. Clinically, it courses with psychomotor stagnation and regression that begins at the age of one or two years, associated to hypotonia with mixed clinical features (segmentary and suprasegmentary) that progresses towards spastic tetraplegia and progressive optic atrophy and dementia; this leads to death before the age of ten years. AIMS. To present the case of a 30-month-old child with INAD, in whom a-N-acetylgalactosaminidase deficiency and mitochondrial cytopathy were ruled out.
CASE REPORT Male aged 30 months with an initial overall retardation, and later regression, of psychomotor acquisitions. In the physical exploration the patient displayed serious neurological involvement with mixed hypotonia, muscular hypotrophy with generalised weakness and mild bilateral horizontal nystagmus. Complementary explorations with neuroimaging revealed a slight increase in the subarachnoid space, with atrophy of the vermis and cerebellar hemispheres. Neurophysiological tests (EMG and ENG), which were initially normal, later showed signs of denervation in the EMG, and the ENG revealed a decreased amplitude of motor responses, with preservation of conduction speed. Histological tests showed the presence of axons with axoplasm expanded by the inclusion of typical tubulovascular structures. CONCLUSION. The clinical features of our patient met all the criteria to satisfy a diagnosis of INAD, and he displayed a classic form of the disease. INAD must be considered when the clinician is faced with: 1. A clinical picture of stagnation and later regression of psychomotor development before the age of two years; 2. Hypotonia, muscular atrophy and initial overall areflexia, with later progression towards pyramidalism; 3. Initially normal EMG findings, with later signs of denervation; 4. Cerebellar atrophy (hemispheres and vermis); 5. Visual deficit, and 6. Histopathological proof of characteristic findings.
KeywordsAtrophy of the vermisBrain magnetic resonance imagingDystoniaHypotoniaInfantile neuroaxonal dystrophySeitelberger diseaseCategoriesNervios periféricos, unión neuromuscular y músculoTrastornos del movimiento
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