INTRODUCTION There are many definitions in order to describe the consciousness. In the literature appear concepts such alertness, attention, knowledge, conscious experience, awareness of deficits, selfawareness, theory of mind in relation with consciousness definition. This multiplicity conceptual lead to formulate a question: Do exist different levels of complexity in the consciousness that depend on neuroanatomics structures differentiated? METHOD. In this paper an approximation toward a taxonomy of consciousness is offered and five levels of complexity and its relation with cerebral structures differentiated are suggested. In the first place, it’s consider the alertness state as a necessary condition to exist the consciousness and his relation with attentional states. In the second place, it’s present the conscious experience that depends on synchronicity neural activity. On the other hand, the daily clinic work shows the possibility of the existence of a consciousness for each specific field of knowledge. In the fourth place, it’s located the selfawareness understood like the capacity to perceive to us with objectivity but maintaining a subjectivity sense. At last, the theory of mind refers to the ability for attribute to the others specific mental states. CONCLUSION. It’s plan an analysis of the different models that have tried to give an answer to each one of complexity levels to attempt an approach based on the analytic science and not descriptive plane.
KeywordsAlertnessAttentionAwarenessAwareness of deficitConsciousnessConsciousness experienceSelfawarenessTaxonomyTheory of mindCategoriesAlteraciones de la conciencia
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