
Aspects of cognition and language in children with fragile X syndrome

M.T. Ferrando-Lucas, P. Banús-Gómez, G. López-Pérez [REV NEUROL 2003;36:137-0] PMID: 12599115 DOI: OPEN ACCESS
Volumen 36 | Number S1 | Nº of views of the article 7.639 | Nº of PDF downloads 1.737 | Article publication date 20/02/2003
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ABSTRACT Artículo en español English version
Introduction. Fragile X syndrome, which is produced by mutation of a gene in the X chromosome, is the most frequent cause of hereditary mental retardation. The multisystemic alterations of the disorder are due to the inhibition of the expression of the FMR1 gene and to the lack or absence of FMRP protein. Mental retardation and autistic spectrum constitute the most serious manifestations of the syndrome, but there are numerous neuropsychological disorders that make up the cognitive-behavioural (CB) phenotype of patients, and the number of clinical manifestations they are going to present is also high. Aims. The aim of the study was to evaluate the parameters that can contribute to the elaboration of a set of generally agreed guidelines that include early diagnosis and the indispensable genetic counselling, as well as a multidisciplinary intervention that contemplates, in a global manner, the medical and educational needs of those affected. Methodology. The method used to conduct the study involved an analysis of the early manifestations of the disease and the neuropsychological aspects of those affected, by means of a study protocol that includes biological and pedagogical data together with batteries of standard tests. Results and conclusions. Preliminary results confront us with the delay in diagnosis and in genetic counselling because the CB phenotype, in which language disorders were the most constant element, is not taken as being an early sign of the clinical manifestations or as a serious interference factor in the cognitive aspects in the progress of the disease. KeywordsDevelopment disordersFMR1 geneFragile X chromosomeHereditary transmissionIntelligence quotientMental retardationMolecular geneticsMutationPhenotypeSensory integrationSocial interaction CategoriesNeuropediatríaNeuropsicologíaNeuropsiquiatríaTécnicas exploratorias
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