Cerebrovascular pathology in infancy is, unlike in adults, infrequent. However, this must not lead us to think it is unimportant. There are a number of different vascular processes that exert an influence to varying degrees on the neurological and psychological future of our young patients. These sequelae can be of more or less importance and, on some occasions, can be lesions that will accompany them throughout the rest of their lives, in spite of the therapeutic methods we have available today. We basically differentiate vascular organic lesions that are pre-established or due to malformations from other causes acquired as a consequence of an anomalous situation inherent to other pathologies and that have an extravascular origin. The most striking of these, because of their frequency, gravity and cellular pathology, are peri/intraventricular haemorrhages (PIVH) in those born premature and those weighing very little at birth. The causes from malformations remain and are relatively rare with a stable frequency, while the number of cases of PIVH has risen sharply in recent years due to different causes, the most notable of which is the increase in preterm multiple births, at around 30-32 weeks of gestation. This group of the population requires early and continuous neuropaediatric monitoring. Some of the sequelae are detected and dealt with quickly; others may appear later and will need the joint, coordinated attention of neuropaediatricians, psychologists, educators and physiotherapists.
KeywordsArteriovenous malformationsBrain haemorrhageCerebral infarctionCerebrovascular pathologyFibromuscular dysplasiaMoya-Moya diseasePeri/intraventricular haemorrhagesSturger-Weber syndromeCategoriesNeuropediatríaPatología vascular
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