INTRODUCTION The coexistence of non-communicating syringomyelia with extramedullary intradural tumours in surgical series is extremely rare.
CASE REPORT We report the case of a 68-year-old female who had been suffering from predominantly proximal asymmetrical progressive paraparesis, with no involvement of the sphincters; the clinical exploration revealed a band of thermal hypaesthesia D7-D8. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), following the administration of gadolinium, confirmed the coexistence of an extramedullary intradural expansive lesion, which had features suggesting it could be a meningioma, and a dorsal syringomyelia. The cavity involved two medullary segments situated above the tumour and there were no associated anomalies at the junction of the medulla and upper spinal cord. Following complete resection of the tumour, which was diagnosed histologically as being a transitional meningioma with abundant psammoma bodies, the patient recovered the ability to walk independently.
CONCLUSIONS MRI with contrast is the best diagnostic means available for the detection and delimitation of the two components in this rare association, although its capacity to detect signs suggesting turbulences in the intracavity fluid, especially in small cavities, has still to be confirmed. The variations in the size and situation of the cavity with respect to the seat of the tumour, and the fact that progress is seldom monitored with MRI in the cases published to date, do not allow us to identify the pathogenic mechanism responsible for this association or to suggest the best type of shunt to prevent a possible expansion of the syringomyelic cavity.
KeywordsCoexistenceExtramedullaryNon-communicating syringomyelia
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