INTRODUCTION Ultrasonography has become part of the arsenal of diagnostic methods available for examining the dissection of cerebral blood vessels (DCV). Aims. To analyse the value of ultrasonography in the diagnosis and monitoring of DCV.
PATIENTS AND METHODS We conducted a consecutive study of 67 patients with a history and clinical picture compatible with DCV; all of them had been given confirmation of their diagnosis by another reference method (digital angiography or MR angiography) during the 48 hours prior to or following the ultrasound study. The ultrasonography was carried out on the neck and skull as per the usual system using continuous Doppler, neck duplex and transcranial Doppler ultrasonography. Diagnosis of the dissection was based on direct and indirect signs, in the absence of an atheroma plaque. The following were considered to be direct signs: haematoma in the wall of the vessel, flap, local increase in the flow velocity and echograms with split systole. Indirect signs were: haemodynamic alterations proximal to the dissection, a pattern of slow flow and high resistance. The transcranial Doppler showed the findings lying distal to the dissection to be a lowered mean velocity and pulsatility.
RESULTS The ultrasonography of the series revealed direct signs in 46 patients (69%) and indirect signs in 21 (31%). Ultrasonography was used as the primary diagnostic method in 29 (43%) patients; in the other 38 (57%) it was employed to verify the diagnosis or for the follow-up. All the ultrasound diagnoses were confirmed using digital angiography (21 cases) or magnetic resonance angiography (46 cases).
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