INTRODUCTION Since introduction for clinical in the 80s, the botulinum toxin type A is being used with effectiveness in the treatment of different disorders that goes with exaggerated muscular activity. Numerous studies have been demonstrated useful for focal treatment of spasticity.
PATIENTS AND METHODS Some indications of the botulinum toxin type A for the treatment of the cerebral palsy are reviewed, emphasizing that it use must be in a global planning. The positive results and adverse events are reviewed, of a series of 278 patients with spastic cerebral palsy.
RESULTS 19% of these patients have had a slightly positive answer, with modification of the tone but without functional repercussion, 49% have had a moderate answer, 17.5% have a good improvement and a 5% have presented good improvement for a long time. Of 224 patients with more than a year of evolution, the 9.5% have presented adverse reactions, but they have always been slight and transient. CONCLUSION. The botulinum toxin type A can be considered effective and safe for the treatment of spasticity, whenever the indication is correct and it is accompanied by a treatment of physiotherapy well oriented.
KeywordsAdverse eventBotulinum toxin type ACerebral palsySafetySpasticityTherapyCategoriesNervios periféricos, unión neuromuscular y músculo
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