AIMS. This study was conducted to evaluate, from a psychological and neurological point of view, the situation of newborn infants (NI) suffering from congenital heart disease before they are treated surgically. At the same time, we aimed to compare this group of patients with another group of children who were considered to be healthy.
PATIENTS AND METHODS Patients’ psychological development was evaluated using developmental landmarks from the Observational Scale of Development (OSD), which provides a percentage of elements acquired in different areas. Behaviour was evaluated by the observational recording of particular patterns of behaviour. The neurological study was based on a detailed neonatal examination, performed by people from the Child Neurology Section at our hospital, and which took into account the different behaviours displayed by the NI: reactive, grasping, communicative and affective.
RESULTS Findings show significant differences both in the psychological and neurological variables studied. They show how, generally speaking, healthy infants score higher in the areas of development that were evaluated than children suffering from heart disease. Likewise, lower average scores were observed in heart disease patients who require an early intervention, as compared with those who will be submitted to surgery later on. From the neurological point of view, a number of significant differences were found in their muscular activity.
CONCLUSIONS This analysis, a groundbreaker in the study of infants suffering from heart disease before their surgical intervention, shows how newborn infants who have been submitted to surgery in the neonatal period present a significant degree of hypotonia, a certain frailness and retardation in their motor development.
KeywordsCongenital heart diseaseMotor developmentNewborn infantsPsychoneurological status
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