OBJECTIVE. To analyze the experience in daily clinical practice of interferonbeta (IFNb) treatment in relapsingremitting (RR) and secondary progressive (SP) multiple sclerosis (MS) in Galicia (Spain).
PATIENTS AND METHODS Patients with RRMS and SPMS treated with IFNb 1a and 1b between 1995 and December/2000, analyzing demographic and clinical data.
RESULTS 313 patients were included, with a mean age of 38,2 years. A total of 296 patients (94,6%) were clinically defined MS and 17 (5,4%) were laboratory supported (Poser criteria); 84,6% of the patients were RR and 15,4% were SP. The mean duration of the disease prior to treatment was 7,06 years. Betaferon â was used in 52,4% patients (115 RRMS and 47 SPMS), Avonex â in 26% and Rebif â in 21,6%. Relapse rate was reduced in 68,8% for the RRMS for Betaferontreated patients, 73,3% for Avonex treated and 35,7% for Rebiftreated patients. Betaferon reduced relapse rate in 50% for SPMS. The global EDSS remained stable during IFNb treatment. During treatment, 33% of Betaferon, 60,5% of Avonex and 54,5% of Rebiftreated patients remained relapsefree. Treatment was suspended in 12,9% of Betaferon, 6,2% of Avonex, and 3% Rebiftreated patients. The most frequent causes of treatment suspension were increase in disability and in relapse count.
CONCLUSIONS The present study supports the benefits of IFNb treatment in RR MS and SP MS in daily clinical practice, with reduction in relapses count and discapacity, good overall tolerance and low incidence of serious adverse sideeffects.
KeywordsImmunologyInterferonbetaMultiple sclerosisTherapeuticsCategoriesEsclerosis múltiple
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