OBJECTIVE. To describe how cognitive impairments contribute to the loss of communicative competence after traumatic brain injury (TBI), what instruments can be used to evaluate the pragmatic skills and which therapeutic approaches may be used to improve or compensate for this deficit.
DISCUSSION We present a detailed bibliographic review on the topic that shows how certain functions (namely, memory, attention and executive functions) interact with communication skills, both expressive and comprehensive. The pragmatic approaches for cognitive-communicative TBI impairments are allow to count typical difficulties that are described (difficulty with topic selection, turn-taking initiation, ability to respond or give indirect requests, ability to meet the informational needs of the listener. appropriateness of utterances within conversation, etc). Next a general outline of the assessment and treatment of is provided, including several strategies based on recovery and functional adaptation and compensation.
CONCLUSIONS Given the huge influence of communicative skills on social and vocational integration, it is crucial to obtain a better understanding of the interaction between cognitive functions and communicative skills. Therefore, we need to devise assessment protocols specifically designed for Spanish speakers as well as new therapeutic approaches to increase the life quality of this population. The specific approaches to improve narrative, procedural and conversational discourse must divide from the components of the pragmatic competence and promote the cooperative participation of the teamwork who attend to the patient.
KeywordsCognitive functionsNeuropsychological assessmentNeuropsychological rehabilitationPragmaticRight hemisphereTraumatic brain injuryCategoriesNeuropsicologíaTraumatismos
FULL TEXT(solo disponible en lengua castellana / Only available in Spanish)
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