
A link between congenital malformations of the central nervous system and epilepsy in paediatric patients in Mexico

E. Alva-Moncayo, A.J. Horta-Martínez, M. Castro-Tarín, R. Bautista-de Anda, I.A. Granados-García, H. Huitrón-Nava [REV NEUROL 2004;39:222-226] PMID: 15284961 DOI: https://doi.org/10.33588/rn.3903.2003469 OPEN ACCESS
Volumen 39 | Number 03 | Nº of views of the article 11.474 | Nº of PDF downloads 994 | Article publication date 01/08/2004
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ABSTRACT Artículo en español English version
INTRODUCTION Since epilepsy is one of the most frequent causes of visits in Paediatric Neurology, attention must be given to one of the causes linked to it, namely congenital malformation, which is the second most common cause of epilepsy. To this end, different forms of congenital defects related to epilepsy in Paediatric medicine can be identified according to their neurodevelopment. OBJECTIVES. The purpose of this study was to determine the different congenital malformations associated to epilepsy in Paediatrics.

PATIENTS AND METHODS We took a sample consisting of 116 patients diagnosed as suffering from epilepsy associated with congenital malformations of the central nervous system, following an evaluation of imaging studies, magnetic resonance and computerised tomography brain scans; subjects were then grouped according to the normal embryonic chronological development of the human being.

RESULTS From the total number of cases, a selection was made according to age, where the predominant group was found in those below one year of age and in the group of school-age children, and migration disorders, where the main malformation included was lissencephaly; the other group was made up of proliferation disorders. Similarly, the associated types of epilepsy were the most common childhood epileptic syndromes, West and Lennox-Gastaut syndrome. The types of epileptic seizures that were found were partial seizures.

CONCLUSIONS The study outlined above shows congenital malformations of the central nervous system to be the main cause associated to epilepsy and the most sensitive neuroimaging study currently available is magnetic resonance. For this reason we suggest the use of this procedure in cases in which no apparent cause can be found so that this nosological entity can be defined to a greater degree of precision. Despite its multifactorial causation, being below 25 years of age and above 35 at the time of pregnancy is considered to constitute a higher potential risk, while no geographic location was found to predominate.
KeywordsCell migrationCell proliferationCongenital malformations of the central nervous systemLennox-Gastaut syndromeWest syndrome CategoriesEpilepsias y síndromes epilépticos
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