INTRODUCTION The ultimate purpose of cognitive neuropsychology is to find out how normal cognitive processes work. To this end, it studies subjects who have suffered brain damage but who, until their accident, were competent in the skills that are later to become the object of study. It is therefore necessary to study patients who have difficulty in processing numbers and in calculating in order to further our knowledge of these processes in the normal population. AIMS. Our aim was to analyse the relationships between the different cognitive processes involved in numeric knowledge.
CASE REPORT We studied the case of a female patient who suffered an ischemic infarct in the perisylvian region, on both a superficial and deep level. She presented predominantly expressive mixed aphasia and predominantly brachial hemiparesis. Numeric processing and calculation were evaluated. The patient still had her lexical numeric knowledge but her quantitative numeric knowledge was impaired. These alterations in the quantitative numeric knowledge are evidenced by the difficulties the patient had in numeric comprehension tasks, as well as the severe impairments displayed in calculation.
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