INTRODUCTION An important AIM of neuropsychological assessment is to identify impairment in higher cognitive or intellectual, functioning. In order to achieve this task the assessment of premorbid intellectual ability becomes crucial. The estimation of premorbid cognitive functioning will allow us to assess level of cognitive deterioration but also best cognitive functioning that can be expected in rehabilitation. Estimating premorbid cognitive ability is also crucial in forensic practice and for research purposes. Methods that allow the estimation of premorbid intelligence have been developed. Estimates derived from these methods are typically based on one or both of the following sources of information: (a) life history variables (b) measures of current cognitive functioning that are highly correlated with intellectual functioning and that are relatively unaffected by brain damage. OBJECTIVE. To present a method of estimating premorbid intelligence in Spanish population.
SUBJECTS AND METHODS The method we present has been developed applying linear regression models to the standardization sample of the WAIS-III in Spanish population. The model is based exclusively on demographic and socio-educational variables, allowing estimation free of the influence of neurological lesions squeal.
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