
Neuropsychological sequelae of acute poisoning by pesticides containing cholinesterase inhibitors

L. Roldán-Tapia, F. Sánchez-Santed [REV NEUROL 2004;38:591-597] PMID: 15054724 DOI: OPEN ACCESS
Volumen 38 | Number 06 | Nº of views of the article 21.892 | Nº of PDF downloads 820 | Article publication date 16/03/2004
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ABSTRACT Artículo en español English version
In recent years a number of studies have drawn attention to the possible neuropsychological sequelae stemming from acute poisoning by certain substances, namely cholinesterase inhibitors. These chemicals, carbamates and organophosphorates (OP), have been used in industry, for washing cattle, as insecticides and even as chemical agents in terrorist attacks and in wars. Nowadays, they are widely used as a pesticide and this is particularly so in regions such as the west of Almeria. The intensive farming in greenhouses carried out in this area, together with the conditions in which these products are used and handled, leads to a relatively high number of cases of poisoning. Yet this is not an isolated fact; the first clinical study to describe cases of poisoning by these substances in workers was published back in 1955. Some of the neurotoxic sequelae deriving from such intoxications are well defined: acute cholinergic syndrome, intermediate syndrome and delayed polyneuropathy provoked by OP (OPIDN). Several studies have been carried out over the past few decades to measure the long-term neuropsychological disorders produced by acute poisoning by these substances, and findings suggest that both cholinesterase inhibition and other biochemical phenomena can have permanent neurotoxic consequences. This communication aims to bring some order to the data offered by the different studies by analysing and verifying the evaluation protocols followed, the results of the neurophysiological and neurocognitive biochemical measurements, the type of poisoning and the time elapsed since they occurred, so that they can be summarised and taken as guidelines for possible work to be carried out in the future. KeywordsCholinesterase inhibitorsNeuropsychological sequelaeNeurotoxicologyPoisoning CategoriesTrastornos metabólicos y tóxicos
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