Objective. The main goal of the present study is to describe the implication of different perceptive and praxic deficits in activities of daily living (ADL). We also review some assessing scales and intervention techniques used in the training of these mentioned alterations after a traumatic brain injury (TBI). Development. There are three kinds of processes important for a correct ideation, motor planification and execution of a learned purposeful movement (praxis). Some of these processes are related to the visual basic perception of the objects (colour, form, size, etc). Others are related to the most complex perception functions (depth, location, recognition ,etc). The third group of functions are those integrating the sensory information (discrimination right-left side, corporal scheme disorders, etc). If ADL performance needs a suitable functioning of different structures of the nervous central system, then assessment and treatment will be necessary to obtain the best independence level of TBI patients. This is the main objective in Occupational Therapy. ADL may be separated in two different groups: basic abilities (feeding, grooming, dressing, etc) and instrumental abilities (meal preparation, managing money, shopping, using public transportation, etc). Conclusion. Impairments in both praxic and perceptive processes constitute one of the most prevalent deficits in TBI patients. From a clinical point of view, these deficits may lack the capacity to carry an independent life.
KeywordsActivities of daily livingOccupational therapyPerceptual impairmentTraumatic brain injuryCategoriesTraumatismos
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